
The Castle of Trussio rises in the locality bearing the same name, a hamlet of Dolegna del Collio in a strategic position dominating the river Judrio from a hill. Its origin unknown, the castle is first mentioned in history in 1257 when, abandoned by its lord, Gislardo di Fratta, due to the attacks from Mainardo, count of Gorizia, it was set ablaze and rebuilt that same year.

From 1279 to 1869 its owners were the lords of Spilimbergo. In the area took place, in 1511, clashes between Imperial troops and the Republic of Venice, bringing about the destruction of the old castle; on its ruins were built the edifices still there now. Two western towers remain of the ancient part, as well as the thick wall; the other edifices are more recent. After having been a hunting reserve for years, where pheasants and hares dominated, it now houses a renowned restaurant, among the region’s most prestigious.
"Amare in bici" Association
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